Monday, July 18, 2011


i have this thing for soup.
i eat it at every possible opportunity.
i like clam chowder.
i like italian wedding soup.
i like corn chowder.
i like minestrone.
i really fricking like soup. what's your favorite kind?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Without You.

occasionally i still cry over my lost love, the girl i wanted to spend my life with.
psshhyeah, i'm only 14, but this was real love. we could watch a documentary about mammoths and we would have the time of our lives. we used to just hold eachother, and the silence filled up the room more than words could. (and we were both poets.) i loved that girl.
but she's gone, and i have no choice but to keep living. there was a time when i thought maybe i did have a choice...and i wished really hard that i could die. i tried to kill myself. i survived. i don't like to think about it. it's been 8 months since she dumped me over Facebook. i loved that girl.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Little Girls Are Scary.

"I'm gonna eat your soul."
"I'm crazy."
"HI! ready to die?!?"
"i have no eyebrows!"
"My mom smokes weed!"
aww. :)

little girls are scary.

Pride Month is Over.

ahh, i love pride month. it's the best part of the summer. JUNE. my birthday is in june. but mostly, i love pride month because of the parades, tacky rainbow stuff being sold everywhere, and
PROVINCETOWN. oh, i love provincetown, and i went there for my birthday.
no, that's not me. it's just a prime example of what goes down in that town. :)
but alas,
pride month is over. no more glitter rainbow tattoos at target. :(
:'( however, it is ALWAYS pride month with me :)
<3 peace out ladies.

Lesbian Haircuts.

God, they're cute. Are they not? And we often have no idea how to properly handle them and make them adorable. You absolutely need to make sure you don't end up looking like this:
i mean...oh dear jesus.

or this:
how in god's name is this normal? WHAT THE SHIT?

so you want to have a cute dyke haircut, huh? well, good luck to you. they require a lot of care and love, and you have to be ready to give it a lot of attention, but it can be loads of fun.

The Femme:
yup, it's cute(: you don't have to keep it short, though, so femmes: don't despair.

The Sort Of Butch:
come on, we know she's not a butch. but she looks pretty adorable. :)

The Definitely Butch.
cutie patutie:D and she is obviously a butch. duuhr.
you might not want to be a total butch, a total femme, or a total anything. i recommend leaving your hair the fuck alone. we, the homos, judge NO ONE. :)

14 Reasons Why I Hate Meaningful Talks.

Hang in there, my beautiful readers. I'm sure the lists are getting boring. I'm going to post some other random shit, so as i alluded to before, hang in there.
  1. most of the time, meaningful talks are one-sided.
  2. people tell you things you don't care about.
  3. you don't really care about anything they're saying.
  4. people don't actually listen when you talk.
  5. you're usually on a walk during them and you get out of breath.
  6. they're emotional.
  7. adults try to relate to you.
  8. they totally can't.
  9. they get really long.
  10. you usually end up crying.
  11. you have to hug The Talker at the end.
  12. in my case, The Talker usually smokes.
  13. and cries.
  14. you wanna be a bitch, but then you'll feel guilty. so you aren't a bitch.
try to avoid meaningful talks at all costs. keep in mind, they can be disguised as "Heart to Hearts" "woman to woman talks" or "man to man talks."

Thursday, June 30, 2011

14 Reasons Why Guys Are Stupid.

  1. they eat too much.
  2. they WANT to gain weight.
  3. they smell bad.
  4. they smoke.
  5. they're just stupid.
  6. they're stupid.
  7. they just want sex.
  8. all they want is sex.
  9. they're insensitive.
  10. they're ignorant.
  11. they're bigoted.
  12. they're cocky. *HAHAH PUN.*
  13. they like to hurt each other.
  14. they're bad kissers.

14 Reasons Why My Cousin Bean Is Awesome.

  1. she just is.
  2. she is funny.
  3. she says "what in tarnation."
  4. she has a cute haircut.
  5. she's smart.
  6. she's sitting right next to me.
  7. her nickname is TinyBean.
  8. she likes corn.
  9. she never gets fat.
  10. she's 9.
  11. she's adorable.
  12. she eats so much, and never. gets. fat.
  13. she's creative.
  14. Her real name is Boston. how freaking cool is that?!?!

14 Reasons Why Nose Rings Suck.

  1. it hurts to get them done.
  2. piercers are rude.
  3. you forget they're there and you touch them and then you're like "OW."
  4. they get infected.
  5. you can't put makeup on your nose.
  6. people ask if they can touch it.
  7. you can't go swimming.
  8. you get shampoo in it and it hurts.
  9. saline doesn't work.
  10. they get crusty.
  11. you totally can't touch it.
  12. they fall out and you have to jam them back in.
  13. blowing your nose becomes a luxury.
  14. it flips around and you have to use a q-tip to flip it back.
i got mine done at a professional, rated super high in the country, and it still sucked.


  1. i'm fourteen, so i'm going to put fourteen facts about myself.
  2. i surf.
  3. i'm a lesbian.
  4. i have seven piercings.
  5. i'm a happy person.
  6. i like skateboarding.
  7. i like bridgejumping.
  8. i like writing.
  9. i go to an I.B. school.
  10. i'm not a dyke. to be honest, i TRY to be one, and i think i fail pretty hard.
  11. i'm 5' 1''
  12. i weigh 120 pounds.
  13. i have an year old brother.
  14. my dad's a penis face.
DONE :) in conclusion, i hope you have determined your opinion of me, but most people can't determine an opinion of someone without knowing what they look like. why? because our world is fucked up. but here's a picture of me, don't get too excited. (this isn't how i came out to my mom, by the way...xD but its pretty damn close.) alright, so i'm gonna go because i HATE talking about myself. p-p-p-p-peace out homeslices:)