Thursday, June 30, 2011


  1. i'm fourteen, so i'm going to put fourteen facts about myself.
  2. i surf.
  3. i'm a lesbian.
  4. i have seven piercings.
  5. i'm a happy person.
  6. i like skateboarding.
  7. i like bridgejumping.
  8. i like writing.
  9. i go to an I.B. school.
  10. i'm not a dyke. to be honest, i TRY to be one, and i think i fail pretty hard.
  11. i'm 5' 1''
  12. i weigh 120 pounds.
  13. i have an year old brother.
  14. my dad's a penis face.
DONE :) in conclusion, i hope you have determined your opinion of me, but most people can't determine an opinion of someone without knowing what they look like. why? because our world is fucked up. but here's a picture of me, don't get too excited. (this isn't how i came out to my mom, by the way...xD but its pretty damn close.) alright, so i'm gonna go because i HATE talking about myself. p-p-p-p-peace out homeslices:)

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