Friday, July 1, 2011

14 Reasons Why I Hate Meaningful Talks.

Hang in there, my beautiful readers. I'm sure the lists are getting boring. I'm going to post some other random shit, so as i alluded to before, hang in there.
  1. most of the time, meaningful talks are one-sided.
  2. people tell you things you don't care about.
  3. you don't really care about anything they're saying.
  4. people don't actually listen when you talk.
  5. you're usually on a walk during them and you get out of breath.
  6. they're emotional.
  7. adults try to relate to you.
  8. they totally can't.
  9. they get really long.
  10. you usually end up crying.
  11. you have to hug The Talker at the end.
  12. in my case, The Talker usually smokes.
  13. and cries.
  14. you wanna be a bitch, but then you'll feel guilty. so you aren't a bitch.
try to avoid meaningful talks at all costs. keep in mind, they can be disguised as "Heart to Hearts" "woman to woman talks" or "man to man talks."

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